When your energy vibrates at a frequency that is within direct alignment to what the Universe has been attempting to deliver your entire life, you begin to live in the flow and true miracles start to happen.”
— Panache Desai

What is Biomagnetism?

Biomagnetism is a revolutionary, scientific and therapeutic approach to wellness practiced in many countries throughout the world.

Biomagnetism heals the body by using pairs of north and south pole magnets, placed upon specific areas of the body identified through muscle testing, to bring the pH (Potential Hydrogen) of the body back to a neutral state. Once the pH of the body is neutralized, the immune system can function optimally, pain and inflammation will be reduced and the body's innate ability to heal is enhanced.

 Biomagnetic Session

A typical Biomagnetic session is 1 to 1.5 hours. You will lay upon a padded table comfortably clothed. Through bioenergetic testing the body shows the location of where the imbalance resides and magnetic pairs are placed. The magnets are small and painless.

Once they are in place I balance your energetic field to release additional blocks such as emotions, energetic interferences, and repair your energetic pathways. My techniques will help your body, mind, and spirit to come back into balance. Most clients say they feel incredibly relaxed and at peace during a session. It is important to hydrate well before and after a session for optimal results.

Who Discovered Biomagnetic Pairs?

Biomagnetic pairs were discovered by Dr. Isaac Goiz in Mexico City, Mexico in 1988. Dr. Goiz discovered that by placing a negative and a positive magnet on specific areas of the body, the body will reestablish the natural pH of the body.

Dr. Goiz discovered that microorganisms such as virus, fungi, bacteria and parasites can be kept under control by the body’s renewed natural defenses. The pathogens can no longer survive in a healthy pH environment. For example, everyone who has had an aquarium or pool knows of the importance of pH balance in the water. We are no different. Our body is made up of over 60% water and has a very specific pH balance that it needs to maintain if we are to remain healthy.  


It is my belief that biomagnetism can help all people that choose to access the potential that lies within. My experiences with this technique has opened my mind and heart to a new reality and I witness this in others. I was shown how to access this potential by a brilliant doctor and teacher, Dr. Luis F. Garcia, who trained under Dr. Isaac Goiz. He has made it his life’s work to share this knowledge and skill with all people that are open to hearing his message. I am so grateful I heard the calling.

“ I have had headaches and sometimes migraines for over 15 years, and found out about Biomagnetism recently from my brother’s wife, who had had many health issues relieved from this healing method. After my first session, I had great relief. After three sessions my headaches are now gone and I am not debilitated from working as I once was.”
— Dave